This short story is about an old man who is tiered of losing his wallets to pick pockets when ever he goes shopping at the mall. He gets tiered of people picking his pockets so he comes up with a plan to get even with the pick pockets. He stuffs a phony wallet with expired Florida lottery tickets, expired food coupons and a fortune from and old fortune cookie.
He puts the wallet in his back pocket to see what it looks like. All is ago and his daughter drives him to the mall where at random he picks out a store to try his plan on. wouldn't you know it some one picks his pocket as he is bent over trying to pick up merchandise that has fallen to the floor.
The thief is chased by a sales clerk and other shoppers in the store join in. The thief gets caught, the wallet is retrieved. The sales clerk tries to return the wallet to the old man but, the old man runs from the store, jumps into his daughters car and tells her to drive fast.
This was a funny little story that was an easy read. It was all of three or four paragraphs long. It is the kind of story that I like. It was very descriptive, short, sweet and to the point. There was no need to rattle your brain to figure out what the author, Allen Woodman, wanted you to get.
great! well done.. keep going!